Big and small Semiprecious earcuff

 129 215

clear rock crystal, smoky quartz, rose quartz, onyx or agate in yellow, green or blue
The small version has a diameter of 16mm and a thickness of 4mm / the big version has a diameter of 22mm and a thickness of 6mm
Do not let them fall on hard surfaces, they might break


Our iconic BOLD earcuffs, in a version of hand-cut semiprecious stones in a variety of colours. From top to bottom: rock crystal. They are hand carved and polished by a family run stone cutter workshop in Idar Oberstein, Germany. They look especially nice combined with silver and gold.

The big version is 6mm wide, the smaller one 4mm.

Please take care to not let them fall on stone surfaces to prevent from breaking.

Crystal quartz is said to amplify your energies and thoughts and to enhance clarity.
Smoky quartz is said to gently neutralize negative vibrations, dispersing fear and depression.
Black onyx is said to be a great protection stone, absorbing negative energies, supporting you in times of confusion.
Turquoise/Blue agate means calmness. They say that it lessens negative energies, releases tension, supports relaxation and harmonizes your energies.
Yellow agate combines all the agate-owned characteristics of grounding and calming and tops it with strengthening your willpower and focus.
In green agate, the spiritual power of green is combined with that of agate. They say that green agate increases compassion and generosity, enhancing mental and emotional flexibility, improving decision-making and resolving disputes.
Rose quartz is for love.