If you don´t like what you received or a something did not fit please send it back within 14 days to:
Saskia Diez
Geyerstraße 20
80469 München
If you don´t like what you received or a something did not fit please send it back within 14 days to:
Saskia Diez
Geyerstraße 20
80469 München
Please include a note with your invoice number and bankdetails / Paypal address. We gladly exchange unworn and undamaged products or refund if necessary.
Please note that the cost of returning a purchase is on your expenses. In accordance to §357 of BGB ((6) The consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods if the trader has informed the consumer of that obligation in accordance with Article 246a § 1 (2) sentence 1 (2) of the Introductory Act to the Civil Code.)